About this site
This is my blog. Everything on this reflects my own opinions and not the ones of my employer or anyone else. All mistakes are my own.
About Me
I am the executive director of information and evaluation for Santa Rosa City Schools.
I received a doctorate in Educational Studies from the University of Michigan where I was a predoctoral fellow in the IES training program in Causal Inference in Educational Policy Research (CIEPR). I was a postdoctoral research associate in education policy at the Annenberg Institute at Brown University.
Originally from Italy, I earned a bachelor of science in mathematics from the Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, and a master of arts in education and a teaching credential from California State University, Los Angeles. I also worked as an instructional coach and middle and high school mathematics teacher in Los Angeles and Lodi, California for five years.
I use the pronouns he, him, his.
Curriculum Vitae
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